Work Around to Clearing ASP.NET Temp Folder for a Specific Site

Sorry I haven’t had time to blog in over a year. I’ve been busy working on a MongoDB project. I just came across this issue with a customer the other day and couldn’t find the answer to this question:

How do I find and delete the ASP.NET temp folder contents for a specific site while leaving the other temporary files for other sites alone?

Sometimes, ASP.NET will return an error with the specific path in the ASP.NET temp folder showing a conflict in two .dll files. In this case, it’s easy. Just delete the files. But what do you do when it just tells you there is a conflict in assemblies but doesn’t show the path? Here is the work around solution I came up with:

1) Rename the web.config file temporarily to something else like web.config.bak.
2) Reload the site to force a recompile.
3) Rename web.config.bak back to web.config.
4) Reload the site again to force a recompile.

This should clear out the ASP.NET temp folder contents for that specific site each time the site is recompiled.